Bearded Dragons and Salmonella – Causes, Prevention and Treatment

Bearded dragons are cute, friendly, and easy-to-train reptiles. In their long lifespan, they love to spend time with their owner. They are also comparatively easy to care for as compared to other pets.

Like all pets, bearded dragons also come with some health risks for humans. They can carry Salmonella germs in their waste. As bearded dragons crawl on their waste, so there germs are also present on their body, as well as in their tank. You can get infected with bearded dragon salmonella germs by touching them and then eating or touching your mouth.

But don’t worry, most people recover from bearded dragon salmonella after 4-7 days, even without any treatment. And you can also prevent Salmonella germs from infecting you.

This article will discuss the following:

Salmonella are bacteria that are present in bearded dragon’s waste and can make people sick.

The common symptoms of Salmonella are as under:

  • Diarrhea.
  • Fever.
  • Stomach cramps.

These symptoms start to appear 6 hours to 6 days after swallowing the bacteria.

By following simple cleanliness rules, you can easily prevent bearded dragon salmonella from happening to you. The following are simple things that you can do to save yourself from salmonella:

After handling any type of animal or pet, washing hands is recommended as they all can carry some type of disease, virus, or bacteria.

  • Make a habit of washing your hands after touching, handling, or feeding your bearded dragon.
  • Also, wash your hands after touching the tank or other belongings of your pet dragon.
  • Make sure children under 5 years old or adults over 60 years old avoid any contact with your bearded dragon. Their immune system is weak and they are more prone to Salmonella.

Playing safe is easier than fighting the disease. So,

  • Don’t kiss your dragon.
  • Don’t eat or drink around your dragon.
  • Keep your dragon out of your kitchen.
  • Keep your dragon in his tank.

The belongings of your bearded dragons can also carry Salmonella germs. So,

  • Clean your bearded dragon’s belongings.
  • Clean the supplies like toys, feeders, water containers, etc.
  • Always clean the belongings of your bearded dragon outside the house.
  • If you want to clean the belongings of your dragon inside the house, clean them away from the kitchen or area where you eat meals or prepare food.
  • After cleaning inside the house, disinfect the area where you have washed your dragon’s belongings.

Luckily, bearded dragon salmonella is curable. Most people recover after 4 to 7 days, without any treatment.

But for children younger than 5 years old and adults older than 60 years may experience severe illness as their immune system is weak. That is one of the reasons children are not allowed near bearded dragons. Children or adults with weak immune systems will require proper medical treatment to fight Salmonella.

After detecting the symptoms of salmonella, your doctor will take a laboratory test to detect it. Salmonella bacteria can be present in a person’s stool, body tissues, or fluids.

Usually, people infected with salmonella recover completely. Some people may not feel their normal bowl movements for months, but they also recover with time.

Some people with weak immune systems or people who are already suffering from some other disease may develop pain in their joints, called reactive arthritis, even after the injection is ended. This reactive arthritis can last for months or years. But eventually, it also goes away with time.

Bearded dragons are exotic reptiles and like all other pets, they carry some curable disease. Salmonella infection is one of them. But the good news is, this disease is easily preventable as well as curable. So, you need not worry, just follow simple guidelines and you and your bearded dragon will have a healthy, safe, and fun life.

If you have any questions related to bearded dragons, feel free to Contact Us.

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