Can Bearded Dragons Eat Cilantro?

Cilantro is a unique taste citrusy flavored herb that is readily available in most grocery stores. Cilantro is easy to prepare and has many benefits for humans.  But can bearded dragons eat cilantro? Is cilantro beneficial for bearded dragons? How much cilantro bearded dragons can eat?

This article will discuss the following questions:

Coriander and cilantro come from the same coriandrum sativum plant, but their names differ from location to location. Usually, in my native region, the “stems and leaves” of the plant is called “cilantro” and the dried seeds “coriander”.

But in some other regions of the world “coriander” is the name of the “leaves and stem” while seeds are referred to as “coriander seeds”.

This article will discuss the stem and fresh leaves, not the dried seeds.

A 100g (grams) serving of Cilantro contains the following nutrition:

  • Calories: 23Cal
  • Water Content: 92.21g
  • Carbohydrates: 3.67g
  • Sugars: 0.87g
  • Calcium: 67mg
  • Phosphorus: 48mg
  • Vitamin C: 27mg
  • Oxalates: 5mg
  • Ca:P Ratio: 1.4:1

A green herb like cilantro is appealing to many bearded dragons and they may enjoy its flavor as well. But can a bearded dragon eat cilantro?

Yes, bearded dragons can eat cilantro leaves and seeds, but not the flowers as an occasional treat.

For many bearded dragons, cilantro is a healthy addition to the bearded dragon’s diet but you need to introduce it slowly as it contains “furocoumarin” a chemical that can cause stomach issues.

If you notice any issue in your dragon’s stomach, call your vet and provide medical attention. If your dragon doesn’t like cilantro, mustard greens, collard greens, and turnip greens are a few alternatives.

Cilantro is an excellent herb for bearded dragons. It offers the following nutrients and benefits to bearded dragons:

This green herb contains antioxidants that help bearded dragons fight inflammation, promote heart and lung health, and boost the immune system.

Cilantro also contains vitamins A and C which strengthen the immune system, vision, cell growth, reproduction, and organs and tissues.

Vitamin K supports healthy tissues and blood cells in bearded dragons. It helps your dragon in blood clotting after some injury or cuts.

In moderate quantity, it helps your dragon to regulate blood pressure.

It also aids the metabolism of bearded dragons.  

Cilantro contain beneficial dietary fibers that help your dragon to maintain a healthy digestive system.

Cilantro is made of 92% water which hydrates your dragon. Bearded dragons take water from their diet and the addition of cilantro in their diet fulfills their water requirements.

Cilantro contains dodecenal which is an antimicrobial component and helps your dragon to prevent food poisoning. 

When selecting any food for bearded dragons, its calcium-to-phosphorous ratio is really important as calcium is very important for bearded dragons’ health, growth, and overall well-being. On the other hand, phosphorous binds with calcium and stops its absorption in the bearded dragon’s bloodstreams, which can cause calcium deficiency in the bearded dragon that can lead to many health issues including metabolic bone disease (MBD), making it a bad choice for bearded dragons.

Luckily, cilantro has a 1.4:1 calcium-to-phosphorous ratio, which means it has more calcium than phosphorous, making it a good food for bearded dragons.

Cilantro is very low in sugar which is favorable for bearded dragons as a natural diet of these exotic creatures is also low in sugar. A high-sugar diet can cause obesity, kidney diseases, liver disease, tooth decay, heart problems, and diabetes in bearded dragons.

Till now, it is established that bearded dragons can eat cilantro if they don’t suffer from stomach issues. But how often they can eat it?

A healthy bearded dragon can eat cilantro once or twice a week.

If you notice that your bearded dragon can’t handle it twice a week, and is developing stomach issues, you may reduce the frequency of cilantro consumption for your dragon.

Adult bearded dragons can have up to eight cilantro leaves per serving, and baby bearded dragons can be given two or three leaves only.

So, after all these benefits, why bearded dragons can’t eat cilantro every day as a staple diet? The reasons for not considering cilantro as a staple diet are as under:

As already mentioned, cilantro is 92% water, making it a good source of hydration for bearded dragons. But frequently feeding cilantro can cause overhydration in bearded dragons. Overhydration can lead to stomach issues like diarrhea which will further cause dehydration, a vicious cycle. So, sprinkling a little cilantro on your pet dragon’s salad, twice a week is fine.

Like many plants, cilantro also contains oxalates which are not good for your pet dragon. Like phosphorous, oxalates also tend to bind with calcium and stop its absorption in bearded dragon bloodstreams, causing calcium deficiency which can lead to many health issues such as metabolic bone disease (MBD).

Although cilantro offers many nutrients, but it is low in nutrients or doesn’t offer a complete nutrient profile which bearded dragons need for their well-being. So, frequently feeding cilantro will lead to nutrient deficiency in bearded dragons.

Cilantro is pretty easy to serve to your bearded dragon. All you need is to follow these simple steps to prepare cilantro for your bearded dragon:

  • Preferably, choose fresh organic cilantro as it is low in pesticides.
  • Wash it thoroughly to remove dust and other chemicals.
  • Chop it finely to avoid choking hazards and mix it in the salad to make a balanced diet. You can also offer it alone.
  • Slowly introduce cilantro to the bearded dragon’s diet to avoid potential stomach issues.
  • Place the salad in a dish and serve it to your dragon.
  • Enjoy the show.

Cilantro adds a good flavor to a bearded dragon’s balanced diet. You can mix cilantro with other veggies to make a healthy salad such as carrots, bell peppers, collard greens, dandelion greens, etc.

Some bearded dragon owners also mix cilantro with fruits such as blueberries or strawberries. But you need to be careful as this can cause stomach issues.  

Bearded dragons can eat cilantro and it offers many nutrients benefits to them. But consumption of cilantro should be in moderation as it doesn’t offer a complete nutrient profile, contain oxalates, and has relatively low calcium. You can feed cilantro twice a week to your pet dragon in a balanced salad or alone. If you have questions or would like to give feedback, please Contact Us.

Yes, baby bearded dragons can also eat cilantro in moderation, preferably as part of a balanced diet only to meet their nutrient needs. In a single serving, 2 leaves are enough for baby bearded dragons.

Yes, bearded dragons can eat cilantro leaves and stems in moderation, typically twice a week.

No, bearded dragons can’t eat cilantro daily as they are low in nutrients, contain oxalates, and high content of water.

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