Calcium is most important for the well-being and good health of the bearded dragons. Calcium is present in the natural diet and in the form of many supplements. In supplements, the most commonly used is calcium powder or calcium sand (reptile calcium supplement).
Pet keepers know that the powder calcium supplements are a mess. So, how to provide calcium to bearded dragons without making a mess, or how to use calcium powder without making it messy?
How Do You Use Calcium Powder for Bearded Dragons?
Coating insects with calcium powder is one of the most common ways to feed your dragon calcium powder. But, simply sprinkling the powder on insects is not effective as insects scurry around the tank and calcium powder is also wasted due to insects’ movements.
To make this method more effective, do the following.
- Place powder in an airtight container or bag.
- Add the insects to the container or bag.
- Seal it up and give it a shake.
- Feed your dragon in a designated container.
A sealed container will help you to stick the calcium powder with insects and feeding your bearded dragon at a designated place will ensure that there is no mess due to powder scattering.
You can also provide calcium powder with fruits or salads. For this, do the following:
- Put fruits or veggies in a shallow container.
- Sprinkle them with powder.
- Place your dragon inside this shallow container.
- Your dragon will eat the greens without making any mess.
Practically, we have also seen that some dragons don’t like calcium powder on salad. If you observe the same case with your dragon, you may stick to the insects and calcium powder option for the time being. Once your dragon becomes comfortable in consuming the calcium powder, you can use the salad & calcium powder but make it sweeter by placing some berries in a salad.
How Do I Give My Bearded Dragon Calcium without Making a Mess? & without Wasting the Calcium Powder?
Following are the things that you want to keep in mind before sprinkling the calcium powder on insects or greens. These things will help you to feed your dragon maximum calcium without making a mess and without wasting it:
- The type of feeder insect matters. Select the type of insect that is easy to handle and not notorious for escaping, i.e. crickets, they will run and escape the dragon, and calcium will fall off from them. The more easy option is to sprinkle calcium powder on worms or roaches as they are easier to coat.
- Texture matters. Before dusting with powder, be sure to shake out any lumps you may see.
- Dust lightly. Some dragon keepers bury the salad or insects in calcium powder which is not recommended. In that way, they make a mess and waste most of the calcium powder. Your dragon will not eat any calcium which isn’t stick on something edible. So, dust the food lightly with calcium powder.
How to Select a Suitable Supplement for Your Bearded Dragon?
Select the most suitable calcium supplement for your bearded dragon as it is important for them. For this, you need to read the ingredients, their concentration, and their suitability for your bearded dragon according to their environment and health.
- Read ingredients.
- Select the pure form of calcium as it is healthier and easily digestible for your dragon.
- Avoid the complex supplements. Ingredients that are usually difficult to pronounce are not good and are usually artificial.
- Avoid sugar and artificial ingredients which are usually found in reptile salad dressings.
What Else Can I Give My Bearded Dragon for Calcium?
Following are better diets that you can give to your bearded dragon to maintain his calcium intake:
- Gut load feeder insects along calcium-rich fruits and veggies, e.g. papaya, kale, mustard greens.
- A healthy diet. A balanced diet that contains all important ingredients is always healthy for your dragon pet.
- Proper lighting and UVB. Bearded dragons are habitants of desert where they get heat and UV light from the sun. For them, proper lighting and heating are very important as they don’t produce their body heat and heat also helps them to digest calcium and food. For this, you need a tank which has proper arrangements for heating and lighting. You can read a complete article on tank setup on this website.
- Regular vet checkups at least once a year. Like humans, bearded dragons also need proper medical evaluation. It is recommended that you stay in contact with your vet and in case of any disturbance, get medical attention. In addition to this, a yearly medical checkup is also recommended.
Bearded dragons are exotic pets and they need calcium and a well-balanced diet for their health and well-being. To keep your bearded dragon happy and healthy you need to set a schedule for their diet, make it balanced and calcium-rich, add supplements, and provide them with a comfortable tank/ home.
If you have any questions or need to ask about any special situation, feel free to contact us.