As beardie owners, we love to share food with our beloved pets as long as it is safe and healthy for them. Asparagus is a strong-flavored vegetable and a popular dinner side dish that your bearded dragon may love to eat. If you love this veggie, you might be wondering Can bearded dragons eat asparagus? Is asparagus safe for bearded dragons? How much asparagus bearded dragons can eat? Etc.
In this article we will discuss the following:
- Can A Bearded Dragons Have Asparagus?
- How Often Can A Bearded Dragon Eat Asparagus?
- Do Bearded Dragons Like To Eat Asparagus?
- What Are The Benefits Of Asparagus For Bearded Dragons?
- Why Can’t Bearded Dragons Eat Asparagus Daily?
- How to Balance Asparagus in a Bearded Dragon’s Diet?
- What Are Alternatives To Asparagus For Bearded Dragons?
- Does Cooking Lower Oxalates In Asparagus?
- Can Bearded Dragons Eat Cooked Asparagus?
- How Can Bearded Dragons Eat Asparagus?
Asparagus and Bearded Dragons – FAQs
- Can Baby Bearded Dragons Eat Asparagus?
- Can Feeding Asparagus To Bearded Dragons Cause Digestive Issues?
- Can Bearded Dragons Eat Asparagus If They Have Metabolic Bone Disease?
Can A Bearded Dragons Have Asparagus?
The short answer is:
- Yes, bearded dragons can eat asparagus.
- No, bearded dragons can’t eat asparagus daily as a staple diet.
Asparagus isn’t a food for everyone due to its strong bitter flavor. But if your dragon loves asparagus taste, he can safely eat it in limited quantity, but not as a staple diet. Asparagus has more nutritional downsides than benefits for bearded dragons and that is the reason it is not recommended to asparagus to your bearded dragon daily.
How Often Can A Bearded Dragon Eat Asparagus?
The good news is, if you like asparagus, you can also feed asparagus to your bearded dragon every week.
Bearded dragons can eat asparagus once a week.
You may not feed asparagus to your bearded dragon more than once a week as it will cause many health issues in them. Frequently feeding asparagus to your beardie can lead to calcium deficiency, weaker bones, and tissues, or even metabolic bone disease.
Offer a small amount of asparagus, such as a few small pieces to bearded dragons.
Do Bearded Dragons Like To Eat Asparagus?
Although asparagus is a safe food for bearded dragons in limited quantity, but it has a strong bitter flavor. If your bearded dragon happens to enjoy flourishing veggies like broccoli, he might also love to eat asparagus. Your bearded dragon might love it or hate it due to its strong flavor, it’s quite normal and it entirely depends upon your pet beardie.
What Are The Benefits Of Asparagus For Bearded Dragons?
So, your bearded dragons can eat asparagus every week but does asparagus have any benefits for bearded dragons? Let’s find out.
The health benefits of asparagus for bearded dragons are as under:
Strong Immune System:
Asparagus contains antioxidants and Vitamin C which boost the immune system of your pet and help him to avoid disease and inflammation.
Supports Digestion:
Asparagus is rich in fiber which supports the digestion system and keeps things running.
Strong Kidney Function:
Asparagus contains potassium, which strengthens the kidney and aids muscle function.
Keep your dragon Hydrated:
Asparagus is made of 92% water content, which will keep your bearded dragon hydrated.
Blood and Cells Maintenance:
Asparagus also contains Vitamin E which prevents inflammation, and also builds up and maintains damaged cells. This Vitamin also regulates blood clotting.
Better Tissue growth and cell function:
The folate in asparagus facilitates tissue growth and cell functions.
Strong muscles:
Although asparagus contains a little protein, but it supports your beardie’s growth and helps him to maintain strength.
Why Can’t Bearded Dragons Eat Asparagus Daily?
Even with all these benefits, why can’t bearded dragons eat asparagus all the time? What are the health concerns of asparagus for bearded dragons? Asparagus has a downside too for bearded dragons, for which bearded dragons can’t eat it daily as a staple diet. Let’s have a look at the health risks of asparagus for bearded dragons.
Poor Calcium-to-Phosphorous Ratio:
Bearded dragons need calcium calcium-rich diet for their well-being. On the other hand, asparagus is very low in calcium and high in phosphorous. For well well-being of bearded dragons, only a diet that has equal calcium or higher calcium as compared to phosphorous is recommended. The reason is that phosphorous tends to bind with calcium and stops its absorption in bearded dragon’s bloodstreams which can cause calcium deficiency and many health issues. Your bearded dragon will suffer from weaker bones, broken tissues, weaker jaws, or even metabolic bone disease in case of calcium deficiency.
So, due to low calcium and poor calcium-to-phosphorous ratio (1:2.7), asparagus is not recommended as a staple diet. Instead, provide a well-balanced diet to bearded dragons to keep them healthy and happy so that they may live longer with you.
Asparagus also contains a high amount of oxalates, which have the same tendency to bind the calcium and stop its absorption in bearded dragons. If your bearded dragon consumes high amounts of oxalates for longer periods, the calcium in diet or supplements will not be beneficial for your pet dragon and he will face calcium deficiency and resultantly metabolic bone disease (MBD). That’s why limiting the consumption of asparagus to once a week is recommended.
How to Balance Asparagus in a Bearded Dragon’s Diet?
To balance the bearded dragon’s diet while feeding him asparagus, you need to provide him with multiple calcium-rich greens that are low in phosphorous and oxalates, such as:
Leafy Greens:
Add collard greens, dandelion greens, or mustard greens to the diet. They are high in calcium and provide essential minerals to your pet dragon.
Other Vegetables:
You can also include squash, bell peppers, or carrots to keep the diet balanced.
Occasional Fruits:
Occasional fruits can also be added to make a balanced diet but in moderate quantity. Fruits like apples, grapes, etc are recommended.
What Are Alternatives To Asparagus For Bearded Dragons?
There are many alternatives to asparagus which you can feed to bearded dragons. The following are five options to consider:
Collard Greens:
They are rich in vitamins A, C, and K, which support the bearded dragon’s immune system, vision, and bone health.
Dandelion Greens:
They are rich in calcium and essential nutrients and support the bearded dragon’s digestive function and bone health.
Bell Peppers:
A nutritious treat for bearded dragons which is high in vitamins A and C, provides immune support, and promotes healthy vision. Feed them as occasional treat.
Dubia Roaches:
They are high in protein and essential nutrients, an excellent staple feeder for bearded dragons which promotes growth and overall health.
They are packed with antioxidants and vitamin C, which enhance bearded dragons’ immunity and skin health. Feed them as a weekly treat.
Does Cooking Lower Oxalates In Asparagus?
Asparagus contains both soluble and insoluble forms of oxalic acid, after boiling it, some of the oxalate may leach out into the water, but not completely. Also, one cannot judge the amount of oxalates that are reduced by boiling the asparagus as it varies.
Boiling has very little effect on the amount of oxalates.
So, boiling asparagus and considering that, now it is safer for bearded dragons is not recommended.
Can Bearded Dragons Eat Cooked Asparagus?
By boiling or cooking the asparagus, the amount of nutrients will be lost. Asparagus is already offering low nutrients and reducing the nutrients by boiling it is not recommended.
Always feed raw Asparagus to your bearded dragon.
Bearded dragons can eat cooked or raw asparagus but feeding them the raw asparagus is recommended. Although the amount of oxalates reduces after cooking the asparagus, one cannot determine it, which causes confusion and raises health risks.
How Can Bearded Dragons Eat Asparagus?
As you already know, bearded dragons can eat asparagus in both forms, i.e. cooked or raw. It’s entirely up to you. To prepare the asparagus for your bearded dragon as a treat or snack, do the following:
- Buy organic, fresh asparagus.
- Wash them thoroughly to remove dirt, preservatives, or any type of chemicals.
- If you want to serve cooked asparagus, cook it without oil, pepper, salt, or any other ingredients. They can cause sickness.
- Cut the cooked or raw asparagus into small pieces that your bearded dragon can easily globe.
- Enjoy…!
Final Thoughts
Asparagus is a wonderful supplement for bearded dragons. Feeding it will provide many minerals to your pet dragon. You can serve cooked or raw asparagus to bearded dragons, once a week in the form of a treat, or snack or can make a salad for your beardie.
If you have any questions, or want me to share an article on a topic of your choice, feel free to Contact Us.
Asparagus and Bearded Dragons – FAQs
Can Baby Bearded Dragons Eat Asparagus?
Yes, baby bearded dragons can also eat asparagus. Offer them smaller pieces to avoid the risk of choking.
Can Feeding Asparagus To Bearded Dragons Cause Digestive Issues?
A small amount of asparagus doesn’t cause any digestive issues but feeding too much or introducing it quickly can cause digestive upset in bearded dragons.
Can Bearded Dragons Eat Asparagus If They Have Metabolic Bone Disease?
Asparagus is low in calcium and is not good for bearded dragons if they are suffering from metabolic bone disease (MBD).
Further Read
- The Comprehensive Bearded Dragon Feeding Guide
- What Do Bearded Dragons Eat? FAQ
- Bearded Dragon and Crickets – Everything you need to know
- Bearded Dragons, Calcium, and Vitamin D3: Everything You Need to Know
- How Do I Give My Bearded Dragon Calcium?
- Can Bearded Dragons Eat Spinach?
- Can Bearded Dragons Eat Strawberries?
- Can Bearded Dragons Eat Grapes? All you need to know.
- Can Bearded Dragons Eat Bananas?
- Can Bearded Dragons Eat Tomatoes?
- Can Bearded Dragons Eat Apples?
- Can Bearded Dragons Eat Carrots?
- Can Bearded Dragons Eat Cucumbers?
- Can Bearded Dragons Eat Watermelon?
- Can Bearded Dragons Eat Bell Peppers?
- Can Bearded Dragons Eat Zucchini?
- Can Bearded Dragons Eat Arugula?
- Can Bearded Dragons Eat Collard Greens?
- Can Bearded Dragons Eat Parsley?
- Can Bearded Dragons Eat Cabbage?
- Can Bearded Dragons Eat Mango? Facts & FAQ