Bearded dragons are friendly and docile and are good companions who stay with you for around 10-15 years. They are omnivorous, which means they can eat plants and insects. In plants, fruits are a treat for your beardie and your pet dragon loves to eat them. Fruits play a small but important role in the bearded dragon’s diet. Among many fruits, mango is equally liked by all. But can bearded dragons eat mangoes? Are mangoes safe for bearded dragons? How many mangoes bearded dragons can eat? This article will deal with all the questions about “bearded dragons and mangoes”.
This article will answer the following questions:
- What Is The Nutritional Profile Of Mango For Bearded Dragons?
- Can Bearded Dragons Eat Mango?
- What Are the Benefits of Mango to Bearded Dragons?
- How Often Can Bearded Dragons Eat Mango?
- Why Can’t You Feed Bearded Dragons Mango Every Day?
- How Can Bearded Dragons Eat Mango?
- What Is The Right Serving Size Of Mangoes For Bearded Dragons?
- What Are Alternatives To Mangoes For Bearded Dragons?
Bearded Dragons and Mangoes – FAQs
- Can Bearded Dragons Eat Mangoes That Are Not Ripe?
- Can Bearded Dragons Eat Dried Mango?
- Can Bearded Dragons Eat Mango Skin?
- Should I Remove The Mango Seed/Pit Before Feeding It To My Bearded Dragon?
- Can Feeding Mangoes To Bearded Dragons Cause Digestive Issues?
- Can Bearded Dragons Eat Frozen Mango?
- Can Bearded Dragons Eat Mangoes If They Have Metabolic Bone Disease?
What Is The Nutritional Profile Of Mango For Bearded Dragons?
The nutritional profile of mango isn’t very impressive for bearded dragons. The 100 grams (3.5 oz) of mangos contain the following key nutrients for your beardie.
- Water: 46 grams (g)
- Carbohydrates: 98 g
- Total Fat: 38 g
- Total Protein: 82 g
- Fiber: 1.6 g
- Calcium: 11 milligrams (mg)
- Phosphorus: 14 mg
Can Bearded Dragons Eat Mango?
The Short answer is:
- Yes, bearded dragons eat mangos.
- No, bearded dragons can’t eat mangoes daily as a staple diet.
80% of an adult bearded dragon’s diet should be plants and only 20% of it can be fruits. Fruits add a flavourish touch to beardie’s diet and they also offer many minerals and vitamins to your pet dragon. Mango is a sweet fruit that your bearded dragon can eat safely but in limited quantity. If you frequently feed your bearded dragon mangoes, he’ll face many health issues.
What Are the Benefits of Mango to Bearded Dragons?
Like humans, bearded dragons can also get many vitamins and minerals by eating mangoes in limited quantities. The perks of feeding mangoes to your beardie are as under:
Vitamin A:
Mangoes are rich in vitamin A, which strengthens your pet dragon’s eye health, and vision and helps him to keep optimal eyesight. It also helps beardie to avoid dry eyes, squinting, swollen eyes, and infections caused by vitamin A deficiency.
Vitamin C:
Vitamin C ensures a healthy immune system for good health and supports reproduction and overall growth.
Vitamin E:
It helps beardie to repair damaged cells and prevent inflammation.
Vitamin K:
This vitamin ensures stronger tissues and blood cell maintenance in bearded dragons.
Like humans, your bearded dragon also needs a regular fiber intake. It promotes regular digestion and gastrointestinal health.
Again, folates are very important for tissue growth and cell maintenance.
Antioxidants reduce cell damage and promote the immune system and overall health of your bearded dragon.
It helps blood clotting, supports proper bone development, and regulates metabolism.
It maintains a healthy brain and muscles.
After any injury, zinc helps your dragon in recovery.
Besides nutrients, mangoes also have the following qualities for bearded dragons:
High In Potassium:
Potassium helps bearded dragon regulate their blood pressure and strengthen their nervous system and mangoes are a good source of potassium. It also helps your dragon to absorb proper water and ensures proper muscle working.
Low In Oxalates:
Mangoes are low in oxalates which is also a key aspect when you select a food for your pet dragon as oxalates tend to bind with calcium and stop its absorption in bearded dragon’s bloodstreams. If your bearded dragon consumes food that is high in oxalates, it will lead to calcium deficiency which can cause metabolic bone disease (MBD). So, having a low level of oxalates makes mango food for your bearded dragon.
Balanced Calcium-To-Phosphorus Ratio:
Mangoes contain the same amount of calcium and phosphorous, their calcium-to-phosphorous ratio is balanced for bearded dragons as your pet dragon should only eat the food that has the same amount of calcium and phosphorous or a higher amount of calcium than phosphorous.
How Often Can Bearded Dragons Eat Mango?
Although mangos offer many benefits and minerals to bearded dragons, but they are high in sugar, high in water, low in calcium, and high in vitamin A which can cause many issues if fed frequently.
So, you can only feed mangoes to your bearded dragon a few times a week, typically once or twice a week.
You can offer mangoes as a sweet treat, snack, topper, or supplement to your bearded dragon no more than twice a week.
In a single feeding, one or two slices (1/8 inches thick) are enough for your bearded dragon.
A slice of mango with veggies makes a good combination, especially for dragons who love to eat mangoes but don’t like veggies.
Why Can’t You Feed Bearded Dragons Mango Every Day?
Mangoes are good for bearded dragons but they can cause some problems if given in excess. Generally, bearded dragons get the required minerals from greens. On the other hand, fruits are not a good source of minerals. So, if you frequently feed mango or any other fruit to your beardie, it will cause a lack of minerals in your pet dragon.
The second reason to limit the consumption of mangoes is they lack calcium, have too much sugar, high Vitamin A and water content which can cause Metabolic Bone Disease (MBD), calcium deficiency, Vitamin A toxicity, digestive issues like diarrhea, obesity, diabetes, etc.
Let’s discuss the health concerns of mangoes for bearded dragons:
Low In Calcium:
Mangoes are not a good source of calcium. Although their calcium-to-phosphorous ratio is balanced and they are safe to eat, but still your bearded dragon needs a lot of calcium for its overall well-being, which mangoes lack.
The regular diet of bearded dragons should be high in vitamins and minerals, especially calcium which is very important for bearded dragons. The deficiency of calcium can cause many health issues like poor or broken bones, weakened skeletal structure and tissues, metabolic bone disease, etc.
Containing less calcium is the main reason mangoes are not recommended as a staple diet for bearded dragons.
Lots of Sugar:
Frequently consuming food that is high in sugar can cause several health issues in bearded dragons such as tooth decay, diabetes, liver disease, obesity, and even heart failure.
Mangoes contain too much sugar and if you frequently feed your dragon mangoes, he can suffer from all these diseases. So, controlling the consumption of sugary fruits/ diet is recommended.
Obesity is one of the most common health issues of bearded dragons in captivity. In captivity, bearded dragons get too much food without any workout/ physical activity which leads to obesity. High sugar content in mangoes can lead your pet beardie to an obese shape, which will become the root of other diseases.
High in Vitamin A:
Mangoes are high in vitamin A and if you are already feeding your pet beardie Vitamin A supplement, mangoes can cause Vitamin A toxicity. For bearded dragons, who are not consuming multivitamins or vitamin A supplements, the chance of vitamin A toxicity is very rare. To be on the safer side, the consumption of Vitamin A in the form of mangoes or supplements should be considered.
If your bearded dragon frequently eats mangoes along with Vitamin A supplements, it can cause vitamin A toxicity, hypervitaminosis A, or simply Vitamin A overdose. IT will result in form of swelling, lack of appetite, lethargy, dehydration, weakness, and weight loss.
High Water Content:
The high water content of mangoes can affect the digestive system of your bearded dragons. After consuming too many mangoes your bearded dragon will be overhydrated which will cause diarrhea which will result in dehydration, a vicious cycle.
How Can Bearded Dragons Eat Mango?
Feeding mangoes to your bearded dragon is quite easy, you don’t need to do anything special for that. You can follow these steps to prepare mangoes to feed your bearded dragon:
- Select the organic Mangoes.
- Select the mangoes which are fully ripe as they are tastier and contain more antioxidants. Avoid unripe mangoes.
- Thoroughly wash the mangoes to remove dirt, preservatives, or any type of chemicals.
- Remove the peel as it is a choking hazard for your dragon.
- Slice the mangoes into very small pieces to prevent choking. You can serve one or two slices of 1/8 inch thickness, then make cubes.
- Never give the pit of mango to your pet dragon as a playing toy.
- Add mangoes to salad to make a balanced diet.
- Serve mangoes to your dragon.
What Is The Right Serving Size Of Mangoes For Bearded Dragons?
The right size of mango serving for your bearded dragon depends upon the following factors:
- Bearded dragon’s age
- Bearded Dragon’s size
- Bearded Dragon’s usual diet.
As the general rule, you can make small slices of 1/8 inch thickness to avoid choking. If you make the cubes, the largest cube should be smaller than the distance between the eyes of your beardie. And thickness should be such that your bearded dragon can easily eat it.
What Are Alternatives To Mangoes For Bearded Dragons?
Some bearded dragon owners are hesitant to feed mangoes to their pet beardies. If you are one of them, You can provide the following fruits to your pet dragon:
- Strawberries: Great source of Vitamin C and Antioxidants.
- Blueberries: Packed with beneficial nutrients such as Vitamin K and fiber, etc.
- Raspberries: Rich in manganese and vitamin C.
- Apples: Provides essential vitamins and strengthen jaws.
- Pears, etc.
Feeding mangoes to your bearded dragon can benefit them in several ways. Mangoes strengthen their immune system, help your dragon in blood clotting in case of an injury, boost their vision, etc. But mangoes are also a poor source of calcium and high in water content, that is the reason they are not recommended as a staple diet for your bearded dragon. You can safely feed mangoes to your pet dragon once or twice a week.
If you have any questions, feel free to contact us.
Bearded Dragons and Mangoes – FAQs
Can Bearded Dragons Eat Mangoes That Are Not Ripe?
Feeding unripe mangoes can cause health issues and they are also low in antioxidants. These mangoes are high in vitamin C which can cause gastrointestinal distress. So, always select the fully ripe mangoes for your dragon.
Can Bearded Dragons Eat Dried Mango?
Dried mangoes or any dried fruits are generally high in sugar content. So, avoiding them is the best. But if still you want to offer dried mangoes, you can but in very limited quantity, only once a month.
Can Bearded Dragons Eat Mango Skin?
No, bearded dragons can’t eat mango peel as it is a choking hazard. You need to remove the skin and slice the mango into smaller pieces before feeding it to your pet beardie.
Should I Remove The Mango Seed/Pit Before Feeding It To My Bearded Dragon?
Yes, always remove the mango seed or pit. Even don’t give it to your dragon as a playing toy.
Can Feeding Mangoes To Bearded Dragons Cause Digestive Issues?
Mangoes have high water content which can cause overhydration which will further cause diarrhea and result in dehydration.
Can Bearded Dragons Eat Frozen Mango?
Yes, bearded dragons can eat frozen mangoes but it’s best to offer them fresh fruit. The frozen mangoes may have lost some of their nutritional value and texture.
Can Bearded Dragons Eat Mangoes If They Have Metabolic Bone Disease?
Mangoes are low in calcium and bearded dragons need calcium to fight metabolic bone disease. So, feeding mangoes is not recommended.
Further Read
- The Comprehensive Bearded Dragon Feeding Guide
- What Do Bearded Dragons Eat? FAQ
- Bearded Dragon and Crickets – Everything you need to know
- Bearded Dragons, Calcium, and Vitamin D3: Everything You Need to Know
- How Do I Give My Bearded Dragon Calcium?
- Can Bearded Dragons Eat Spinach?
- Can Bearded Dragons Eat Strawberries?
- Can Bearded Dragons Eat Grapes? All you need to know.
- Can Bearded Dragons Eat Bananas?
- Can Bearded Dragons Eat Tomatoes?
- Can Bearded Dragons Eat Apples?
- Can Bearded Dragons Eat Carrots?
- Can Bearded Dragons Eat Cucumbers?
- Can Bearded Dragons Eat Watermelon?
- Can Bearded Dragons Eat Bell Peppers?
- Can Bearded Dragons Eat Zucchini?
- Can Bearded Dragons Eat Arugula?
- Can Bearded Dragons Eat Collard Greens?
- Can Bearded Dragons Eat Parsley?
- Can Bearded Dragons Eat Cabbage?